Physical Therapy

Concierge Physical Therapy focusing on Spinal Assessments using the Schroth Scoliosis and Kyphosis technique, Movement Assessments and Gait Analysis.

Mindful Movement Classes

This is a group fitness class of 10 people that will last 60-90 minutes, depending on the topic. We will focus on a better mind-body connection, in a relaxing yet mobile way. You will relax, learn, snack, chat, and do a little exercise all at the same time. Here is how: You will be guided by our reflexologist/aromatherapist to use specific reflexology points with a scented balm to create fo... Read More

This is a group fitness class of 10 people that will last 60-90 minutes, depending on the topic. We will focus on a better mind-body connection, in a relaxing yet mobile way. You will relax, learn, snack, chat, and do a little exercise all at the same time. Here is how:

You will be guided by our reflexologist/aromatherapist to use specific reflexology points with a scented balm to create focus to the area of intent.
You will be guided through topic-specific mobility and alignment by our chiropractor, then guided by our physical therapist on exercises to target the topic-specific body areas.

We will finish up with a healthy snack designed by our dietitian to address a topic-related common concern.

Bring yourself and a friend, water if you want, but we have some options too. We have yoga mats for you. Wear clothes you are comfortable moving in.

Reflexology and Aromatherapy

Reflexology is a way for the body to tell someone what is going on through the feet. Aromatherapy is a way to address some of the body's dysfunctions using scents and certain applications of those scents. Margo is trained in both and can assist your movement system health in a natural way, alongside other changes like physical therapy, chiropractic, and nutritional care. Schedule a strategy cal... Read More

Reflexology is a way for the body to tell someone what is going on through the feet. Aromatherapy is a way to address some of the body's dysfunctions using scents and certain applications of those scents. Margo is trained in both and can assist your movement system health in a natural way, alongside other changes like physical therapy, chiropractic, and nutritional care. Schedule a strategy call with Rosy Glow Aromatherapy to learn how!

Caroline Humberston, PT, CSCS, is a highly experienced, empathetic, and passionate Physical Therapist and strength coach. With a 23-year track record of working in private practice orthopedic out-patient settings, Caroline specializes in Movement System Impairments and Schroth Scoliosis and Kyphosis treatments. Her expertise lies in figuring out why people move poorly and teaching them how to fix it in a simple and straightforward way.

Caroline completed her Fellowship in Movement System Impairment Syndromes from Washington University in St. Louis and became a certified Schroth Scoliosis and Kyphosis Physical Therapist to advance her physical therapy degree from SUNY Stony Brook. She uses various techniques such as motor control training, manual therapy, specific exercise prescription, Juvenile and Adolescent Idiopathic Schroth Scoliosis Treatment, wellness education, and sports medicine techniques to address movement impairments. Caroline’s passion is to create movers out of non-movers. She believes that promoting movement awareness and confidence can help prevent future injuries and pain problems. Her mission is to educate the community, athletes, coaches, teachers, and trainers on fundamental techniques required for perfect movement. She believes that perfect movement can lead to perfect execution and prevent injuries.

At Spine and Movement Center, Caroline and her team aim to make you feel heard, look at you as a whole person, and help you through your Movement Wellness journey. They believe that you are not moving poorly because of “old age” and have several providers working together for your benefit. Caroline and her team will sit around the table with you and discuss your journey to determine the best course of action to get you moving and feeling better.

As Maya Angelou once said, “People may not remember what you said, but they will certainly remember how you made them feel.” Caroline’s practice embodies this quote and strives to make their patients feel heard, seen, and empowered to achieve their goals. And as Jimmy Johnson said, “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” Caroline and her team go above and beyond to provide their patients with that little extra to help them achieve optimal movement wellness.

Caroline Humberston, PT, CSCS, is a highly experienced, empathetic, and passionate Physical Thera... Read More

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Located at: 6904 Spring Valley Dr , Suite 307, Holland
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